
API module that maps to a Cloudant or CouchDB database instance.

class cloudant.database.CloudantDatabase(client, database_name, fetch_limit=100, partitioned=False)

Bases: cloudant.database.CouchDatabase

Encapsulates a Cloudant database. A CloudantDatabase object is instantiated with a reference to a client/session. It supports accessing the documents, and various database features such as the document indexes, changes feed, design documents, etc.

  • client (Cloudant) – Client instance used by the database.
  • database_name (str) – Database name used to reference the database.
  • fetch_limit (int) – Optional fetch limit used to set the max number of documents to fetch per query during iteration cycles. Defaults to 100.
  • partitioned (bool) – Create as a partitioned database. Defaults to False.
get_partitioned_search_result(partition_key, ddoc_id, index_name, **query_params)

Retrieves the raw JSON content from the remote database based on the partitioned search index on the server, using the query_params provided as query parameters.

See get_search_result() method for further details.

  • partition_key (str) – Partition key.
  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get the search result.
  • index_name (str) – Name used in part to identify the index.
  • query_params – See get_search_result() method for available keyword arguments.

Search query result data in JSON format.

Return type:


get_search_result(ddoc_id, index_name, **query_params)

Retrieves the raw JSON content from the remote database based on the search index on the server, using the query_params provided as query parameters. A query parameter containing the Lucene query syntax is mandatory.

Example for search queries:

# Assuming that 'searchindex001' exists as part of the
# 'ddoc001' design document in the remote database...
# Retrieve documents where the Lucene field name is 'name' and
# the value is 'julia*'
resp = db.get_search_result('ddoc001', 'searchindex001',
for row in resp['rows']:
    # Process search index data (in JSON format).

Example if the search query requires grouping by using the group_field parameter:

# Assuming that 'searchindex001' exists as part of the
# 'ddoc001' design document in the remote database...
# Retrieve JSON response content, limiting response to 10 documents
resp = db.get_search_result('ddoc001', 'searchindex001',
for group in resp['groups']:
    for row in group['rows']:
    # Process search index data (in JSON format).
  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get the search result.
  • index_name (str) – Name used in part to identify the index.
  • bookmark (str) – Optional string that enables you to specify which page of results you require. Only valid for queries that do not specify the group_field query parameter.
  • counts (list) – Optional JSON array of field names for which counts should be produced. The response will contain counts for each unique value of this field name among the documents matching the search query. Requires the index to have faceting enabled.
  • drilldown (list) – Optional list of fields that each define a pair of a field name and a value. This field can be used several times. The search will only match documents that have the given value in the field name. It differs from using query=fieldname:value only in that the values are not analyzed.
  • group_field (str) – Optional string field by which to group search matches. Fields containing other data (numbers, objects, arrays) can not be used.
  • group_limit (int) – Optional number with the maximum group count. This field can only be used if group_field query parameter is specified.
  • group_sort – Optional JSON field that defines the order of the groups in a search using group_field. The default sort order is relevance. This field can have the same values as the sort field, so single fields as well as arrays of fields are supported.
  • limit (int) – Optional number to limit the maximum count of the returned documents. In case of a grouped search, this parameter limits the number of documents per group.
  • query/q – A Lucene query in the form of name:value. If name is omitted, the special value default is used. The query parameter can be abbreviated as q.
  • ranges – Optional JSON facet syntax that reuses the standard Lucene syntax to return counts of results which fit into each specified category. Inclusive range queries are denoted by brackets. Exclusive range queries are denoted by curly brackets. For example ranges={"price":{"cheap":"[0 TO 100]"}} has an inclusive range of 0 to 100. Requires the index to have faceting enabled.
  • sort – Optional JSON string of the form fieldname<type> for ascending or -fieldname<type> for descending sort order. Fieldname is the name of a string or number field and type is either number or string or a JSON array of such strings. The type part is optional and defaults to number.
  • stale (str) – Optional string to allow the results from a stale index to be used. This makes the request return immediately, even if the index has not been completely built yet.
  • highlight_fields (list) – Optional list of fields which should be highlighted.
  • highlight_pre_tag (str) – Optional string inserted before the highlighted word in the highlights output. Defaults to <em>.
  • highlight_post_tag (str) – Optional string inserted after the highlighted word in the highlights output. Defaults to </em>.
  • highlight_number (int) – Optional number of fragments returned in highlights. If the search term occurs less often than the number of fragments specified, longer fragments are returned. Default is 1.
  • highlight_size (int) – Optional number of characters in each fragment for highlights. Defaults to 100 characters.
  • include_fields (list) – Optional list of field names to include in search results. Any fields included must have been indexed with the store:true option.

Search query result data in JSON format


Retrieves the security document for the current database containing information about the users that the database is shared with.

Returns:Security document as a dict

Constructs and returns the security document URL.

Returns:Security document URL

Retrieves information about the shards in the current remote database.

Returns:Shard information retrieval status in JSON format
share_database(username, roles=None)

Shares the current remote database with the username provided. You can grant varying degrees of access rights, default is to share read-only, but additional roles can be added by providing the specific roles as a list argument. If the user already has this database shared with them then it will modify/overwrite the existing permissions.

  • username (str) – Cloudant user to share the database with.
  • roles (list) – A list of roles to grant to the named user.

Share database status in JSON format


Removes all sharing with the named user for the current remote database. This will remove the entry for the user from the security document. To modify permissions, use the share_database() method instead.

Parameters:username (str) – Cloudant user to unshare the database from.
Returns:Unshare database status in JSON format
class cloudant.database.CouchDatabase(client, database_name, fetch_limit=100, partitioned=False)

Bases: dict

Encapsulates a CouchDB database. A CouchDatabase object is instantiated with a reference to a client/session. It supports accessing the documents, and various database features such as the document indexes, changes feed, design documents, etc.

  • client (CouchDB) – Client instance used by the database.
  • database_name (str) – Database name used to reference the database.
  • fetch_limit (int) – Optional fetch limit used to set the max number of documents to fetch per query during iteration cycles. Defaults to 100.
  • partitioned (bool) – Create as a partitioned database. Defaults to False.

Overrides dictionary __getitem__ behavior to provide a document instance for the specified key from the current database.

If the document instance does not exist locally, then a remote request is made and the document is subsequently added to the local cache and returned to the caller.

If the document instance already exists locally then it is returned and a remote request is not performed.

A KeyError will result if the document does not exist locally or in the remote database.

Parameters:key (str) – Document id used to retrieve the document from the database.
Returns:A Document or DesignDocument object depending on the specified document id (key)

Overrides dictionary __iter__ behavior to provide iterable Document results. By default, Documents are fetched from the remote database, in batches equal to the database object’s defined fetch_limit, yielding Document/DesignDocument objects.

If remote=False then the locally cached Document objects are iterated over with no attempt to retrieve documents from the remote database.

Parameters:remote (bool) – Dictates whether the locally cached Document objects are returned or a remote request is made to retrieve Document objects from the remote database. Defaults to True.
Returns:Iterable of Document and/or DesignDocument objects

Returns the CouchDB Admin Party status. True if using Admin Party False otherwise.

Returns:CouchDB Admin Party mode status

Wraps the _all_docs primary index on the database, and returns the results by value. This can be used as a direct query to the _all_docs endpoint. More convenient/efficient access using keys, slicing and iteration can be done through the result attribute.

Keyword arguments supported are those of the view/index access API.

  • descending (bool) – Return documents in descending key order.
  • endkey – Stop returning records at this specified key.
  • endkey_docid (str) – Stop returning records when the specified document id is reached.
  • include_docs (bool) – Include the full content of the documents.
  • inclusive_end (bool) – Include rows with the specified endkey.
  • key – Return only documents that match the specified key.
  • keys (list) – Return only documents that match the specified keys.
  • limit (int) – Limit the number of returned documents to the specified count.
  • skip (int) – Skip this number of rows from the start.
  • startkey – Return records starting with the specified key.
  • startkey_docid (str) – Return records starting with the specified document ID.

Raw JSON response content from _all_docs endpoint


Performs multiple document inserts and/or updates through a single request. Each document must either be or extend a dict as is the case with Document and DesignDocument objects. A document must contain the _id and _rev fields if the document is meant to be updated.

Parameters:docs (list) – List of Documents to be created/updated.
Returns:Bulk document creation/update status in JSON format
changes(raw_data=False, **kwargs)

Returns the _changes feed iterator. The _changes feed can be iterated over and once complete can also provide the last sequence identifier of the feed. If necessary, the iteration can be stopped by issuing a call to the stop() method on the returned iterator object.

For example:

# Iterate over a "normal" _changes feed
changes = db.changes()
for change in changes:

# Iterate over a "continuous" _changes feed with additional options
changes = db.changes(feed='continuous', since='now', descending=True)
for change in changes:
    if some_condition:
  • raw_data (bool) – If set to True then the raw response data will be streamed otherwise if set to False then JSON formatted data will be streamed. Default is False.
  • conflicts (bool) – Can only be set if include_docs is True. Adds information about conflicts to each document. Default is False.
  • descending (bool) – Changes appear in sequential order. Default is False.
  • doc_ids (list) – To be used only when filter is set to _doc_ids. Filters the feed so that only changes to the specified documents are sent.
  • feed (str) – Type of feed. Valid values are continuous, longpoll, and normal. Default is normal.
  • filter (str) – Name of filter function from a design document to get updates. Default is no filter.
  • heartbeat (int) – Time in milliseconds after which an empty line is sent during longpoll or continuous if there have been no changes. Must be a positive number. Default is no heartbeat.
  • include_docs (bool) – Include the document with the result. The document will not be returned as a Document but instead will be returned as either formated JSON or as raw response content. Default is False.
  • limit (int) – Maximum number of rows to return. Must be a positive number. Default is no limit.
  • since – Start the results from changes after the specified sequence identifier. In other words, using since excludes from the list all changes up to and including the specified sequence identifier. If since is 0 (the default), or omitted, the request returns all changes. If it is now, only changes made after the time of the request will be emitted.
  • style (str) – Specifies how many revisions are returned in the changes array. The default, main_only, only returns the current “winning” revision; all_docs returns all leaf revisions, including conflicts and deleted former conflicts.
  • timeout (int) – Number of milliseconds to wait for data before terminating the response. heartbeat supersedes timeout if both are supplied.
  • chunk_size (int) – The HTTP response stream chunk size. Defaults to 512.

Feed object that can be iterated over as a _changes feed.


Creates a database defined by the current database object, if it does not already exist and raises a CloudantException if the operation fails. If the database already exists then this method call is a no-op.

Parameters:throw_on_exists (bool) – Boolean flag dictating whether or not to throw a CloudantDatabaseException when attempting to create a database that already exists.
Returns:The database object
create_document(data, throw_on_exists=False)

Creates a new document in the remote and locally cached database, using the data provided. If an _id is included in the data then depending on that _id either a Document or a DesignDocument object will be added to the locally cached database and returned by this method.

  • data (dict) – Dictionary of document JSON data, containing _id.
  • throw_on_exists (bool) – Optional flag dictating whether to raise an exception if the document already exists in the database.

A Document or DesignDocument instance corresponding to the new document in the database.

create_query_index(design_document_id=None, index_name=None, index_type='json', partitioned=None, **kwargs)

Creates either a JSON or a text query index in the remote database.

  • index_type (str) – The type of the index to create. Can be either ‘text’ or ‘json’. Defaults to ‘json’.
  • design_document_id (str) – Optional identifier of the design document in which the index will be created. If omitted the default is that each index will be created in its own design document. Indexes can be grouped into design documents for efficiency. However, a change to one index in a design document will invalidate all other indexes in the same document.
  • index_name (str) – Optional name of the index. If omitted, a name will be generated automatically.
  • fields (list) – A list of fields that should be indexed. For JSON indexes, the fields parameter is mandatory and should follow the ‘sort syntax’. For example fields=['name', {'age': 'desc'}] will create an index on the ‘name’ field in ascending order and the ‘age’ field in descending order. For text indexes, the fields parameter is optional. If it is included then each field element in the fields list must be a single element dictionary where the key is the field name and the value is the field type. For example fields=[{'name': 'string'}, {'age': 'number'}]. Valid field types are 'string', 'number', and 'boolean'.
  • default_field (dict) – Optional parameter that specifies how the $text operator can be used with the index. Only valid when creating a text index.
  • selector (dict) – Optional parameter that can be used to limit the index to a specific set of documents that match a query. It uses the same syntax used for selectors in queries. Only valid when creating a text index.

An Index object representing the index created in the remote database


Retrieves a dictionary of useful authentication information that can be used to authenticate against this database.

Returns:Dictionary containing authentication information

Provides a context manager that can be used to customize the _all_docs behavior and wrap the output as a Result.

  • descending (bool) – Return documents in descending key order.
  • endkey – Stop returning records at this specified key. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • endkey_docid (str) – Stop returning records when the specified document id is reached.
  • include_docs (bool) – Include the full content of the documents.
  • inclusive_end (bool) – Include rows with the specified endkey.
  • key – Return only documents that match the specified key. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • keys (list) – Return only documents that match the specified keys. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • page_size (int) – Sets the page size for result iteration.
  • startkey – Return records starting with the specified key. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • startkey_docid (str) – Return records starting with the specified document ID.

For example:

with database.custom_result(include_docs=True) as rslt:
    data = rslt[100: 200]

Get the URL of the database partition.

Parameters:partition_key (str) – Partition key.
Returns:URL of the database partition.
Return type:str

Constructs and returns the database URL.

Returns:Database URL

Deletes the current database from the remote instance.

delete_query_index(design_document_id, index_type, index_name)

Deletes the query index identified by the design document id, index type and index name from the remote database.

  • design_document_id (str) – The design document id that the index exists in.
  • index_type (str) – The type of the index to be deleted. Must be either ‘text’ or ‘json’.
  • index_name (str) – The index name of the index to be deleted.

Retrieve the JSON content for all design documents in this database. Performs a remote call to retrieve the content.

Returns:All design documents found in this database in JSON format

Retrieves the number of documents in the remote database

Returns:Database document count

Performs an existence check on the remote database.

Returns:Boolean True if the database exists, False otherwise
get(key, remote=False)

Overrides dict’s get method. This gets an item from the database or cache like __getitem__, but instead of throwing an exception if the item is not found, it simply returns None.

Parameters:remote (bool) – Dictates whether a remote request is made to retrieve the doc, if it is not present in the local cache. Defaults to False.

Retrieves a design document. If a design document exists remotely then that content is wrapped in a DesignDocument object and returned to the caller. Otherwise a “shell” DesignDocument object is returned.

Parameters:ddoc_id (str) – Design document id
Returns:A DesignDocument instance, if exists remotely then it will be populated accordingly
get_list_function_result(ddoc_id, list_name, view_name, **kwargs)

Retrieves a customized MapReduce view result from the specified database based on the list function provided. List functions are used, for example, when you want to access Cloudant directly from a browser, and need data to be returned in a different format, such as HTML.

Note: All query parameters for View requests are supported. See get_view_result for all supported query parameters.

For example:

# Assuming that 'view001' exists as part of the
# 'ddoc001' design document in the remote database...
# Retrieve documents where the list function is 'list1'
resp = db.get_list_function_result('ddoc001', 'list1', 'view001', limit=10)
for row in resp['rows']:
    # Process data (in text format).

For more detail on list functions, refer to the Cloudant list documentation.

  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get result.
  • list_name (str) – Name used in part to identify the list function.
  • view_name (str) – Name used in part to identify the view.

Formatted view result data in text format

get_partitioned_query_result(partition_key, selector, fields=None, raw_result=False, **kwargs)

Retrieves the partitioned query result from the specified database based on the query parameters provided.

See get_query_result() method for further details.

  • partition_key (str) – Partition key.
  • selector (str) – Dictionary object describing criteria used to select documents.
  • fields (list) – A list of fields to be returned by the query.
  • raw_result (bool) – Dictates whether the query result is returned wrapped in a QueryResult or if the response JSON is returned. Defaults to False.
  • kwargs – See get_query_result() method for available keyword arguments.

The result content either wrapped in a QueryResult or as the raw response JSON content.

Return type:

QueryResult, dict

get_partitioned_view_result(partition_key, ddoc_id, view_name, raw_result=False, **kwargs)

Retrieves the partitioned view result based on the design document and view name.

See get_view_result() method for further details.

  • partition_key (str) – Partition key.
  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get result.
  • view_name (str) – Name of the view used to get result.
  • raw_result (bool) – Dictates whether the view result is returned as a default Result object or a raw JSON response. Defaults to False.
  • kwargs – See get_view_result() method for available keyword arguments.

The result content either wrapped in a QueryResult or as the raw response JSON content.

Return type:

QueryResult, dict


Retrieves query indexes from the remote database.

Parameters:raw_result (bool) – If set to True then the raw JSON content for the request is returned. Default is to return a list containing Index, TextIndex, and SpecialIndex wrapped objects.
Returns:The query indexes in the database
get_query_result(selector, fields=None, raw_result=False, **kwargs)

Retrieves the query result from the specified database based on the query parameters provided. By default the result is returned as a QueryResult which uses the skip and limit query parameters internally to handle slicing and iteration through the query result collection. Therefore skip and limit cannot be used as arguments to get the query result when raw_result=False. However, by setting raw_result=True, the result will be returned as the raw JSON response content for the query requested. Using this setting requires the developer to manage their own slicing and iteration. Therefore skip and limit are valid arguments in this instance.

For example:

# Retrieve documents where the name field is 'foo'
selector = {'name': {'$eq': 'foo'}}
docs = db.get_query_result(selector)
for doc in docs:
    print doc

# Retrieve documents sorted by the age field in ascending order
docs = db.get_query_result(selector, sort=['name'])
for doc in docs:
    print doc

# Retrieve JSON response content, limiting response to 100 documents
resp = db.get_query_result(selector, raw_result=True, limit=100)
for doc in resp['docs']:
    print doc

For more detail on slicing and iteration, refer to the QueryResult documentation.

  • selector (dict) – Dictionary object describing criteria used to select documents.
  • fields (list) – A list of fields to be returned by the query.
  • raw_result (bool) – Dictates whether the query result is returned wrapped in a QueryResult or if the response JSON is returned. Defaults to False.
  • bookmark (str) – A string that enables you to specify which page of results you require.
  • limit (int) – Maximum number of results returned. Only valid if used with raw_result=True.
  • page_size (int) – Sets the page size for result iteration. Default is 100. Only valid with raw_result=False.
  • r (int) – Read quorum needed for the result. Each document is read from at least ‘r’ number of replicas before it is returned in the results.
  • skip (int) – Skip the first ‘n’ results, where ‘n’ is the value specified. Only valid if used with raw_result=True.
  • sort (list) – A list of fields to sort by. Optionally the list can contain elements that are single member dictionary structures that specify sort direction. For example sort=['name', {'age': 'desc'}] means to sort the query results by the “name” field in ascending order and the “age” field in descending order.
  • use_index (str) – Identifies a specific index for the query to run against, rather than using the Cloudant Query algorithm which finds what it believes to be the best index.

The result content either wrapped in a QueryResult or as the raw response JSON content


Retrieves the limit of historical revisions to store for any single document in the current remote database.

Returns:Revision limit value for the current remote database

Retrieves the database security document as a SecurityDocument object. The returned object is useful for viewing as well as updating the the database’s security document.

Returns:A SecurityDocument instance representing the database security document
get_show_function_result(ddoc_id, show_name, doc_id)

Retrieves a formatted document from the specified database based on the show function provided. Show functions, for example, are used when you want to access Cloudant directly from a browser, and need data to be returned in a different format, such as HTML.

For example:

# Assuming that 'view001' exists as part of the
# 'ddoc001' design document in the remote database...
# Retrieve a formatted 'doc001' document where the show function is 'show001'
resp = db.get_show_function_result('ddoc001', 'show001', 'doc001')
for row in resp['rows']:
    # Process data (in text format).

For more detail on show functions, refer to the Cloudant show documentation.

  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get the result.
  • show_name (str) – Name used in part to identify the show function.
  • doc_id (str) – The ID of the document to show.

Formatted document result data in text format

get_view_result(ddoc_id, view_name, raw_result=False, **kwargs)

Retrieves the view result based on the design document and view name. By default the result is returned as a Result object which provides a key accessible, sliceable, and iterable interface to the result collection. Depending on how you are accessing, slicing or iterating through your result collection certain query parameters are not permitted. See Result for additional details.

However, by setting raw_result=True, the result will be returned as the raw JSON response content for the view requested. With this setting there are no restrictions on the query parameters used but it also means that the result collection key access, slicing, and iteration is the responsibility of the developer.

For example:

# get Result based on a design document view
result = db.get_view_result('_design/ddoc_id_001', 'view_001')

# get a customized Result based on a design document view
result = db.get_view_result('_design/ddoc_id_001', 'view_001',
    include_docs=True, reduce=False)

# get raw response content based on a design document view
result = db.get_view_result('_design/ddoc_id_001', 'view_001',

# get customized raw response content for a design document view
db.get_view_result('_design/ddoc_id_001', 'view_001',
    raw_result=True, include_docs=True, skip=100, limit=100)

For more detail on key access, slicing and iteration, refer to the Result documentation.

  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get result.
  • view_name (str) – Name of the view used to get result.
  • raw_result (bool) – Dictates whether the view result is returned as a default Result object or a raw JSON response. Defaults to False.
  • descending (bool) – Return documents in descending key order.
  • endkey – Stop returning records at this specified key. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • endkey_docid (str) – Stop returning records when the specified document id is reached.
  • group (bool) – Using the reduce function, group the results to a group or single row.
  • group_level – Only applicable if the view uses complex keys: keys that are lists. Groups reduce results for the specified number of list fields.
  • include_docs (bool) – Include the full content of the documents.
  • inclusive_end (bool) – Include rows with the specified endkey.
  • key – Return only documents that match the specified key. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • keys (list) – Return only documents that match the specified keys. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • limit (int) – Limit the number of returned documents to the specified count. Not valid when used with Result iteration.
  • page_size (int) – Sets the page size for result iteration. Only valid if used with raw_result=False.
  • reduce (bool) – True to use the reduce function, false otherwise.
  • skip (int) – Skip this number of rows from the start. Not valid when used with Result iteration.
  • stable (bool) – Whether or not the view results should be returned from a “stable” set of shards.
  • stale (str) – Allow the results from a stale view to be used. This makes the request return immediately, even if the view has not been completely built yet. If this parameter is not given, a response is returned only after the view has been built. Note that this parameter is deprecated and the appropriate combination of stable and update should be used instead.
  • startkey – Return records starting with the specified key. Not valid when used with Result key access and key slicing.
  • startkey_docid (str) – Return records starting with the specified document ID.
  • update (str) – Determine whether the view in question should be updated prior to or after responding to the user. Valid values are: false: return results before updating the view; true: Return results after updating the view; lazy: Return the view results without waiting for an update, but update them immediately after the request.

The result content either wrapped in a QueryResult or as the raw response JSON content


Returns an infinite (perpetually refreshed) _changes feed iterator. If necessary, the iteration can be stopped by issuing a call to the stop() method on the returned iterator object.

For example:

# Iterate over an infinite _changes feed
changes = db.infinite_changes()
for change in changes:
    if some_condition:
  • conflicts (bool) – Can only be set if include_docs is True. Adds information about conflicts to each document. Default is False.
  • descending (bool) – Changes appear in sequential order. Default is False.
  • doc_ids (list) – To be used only when filter is set to _doc_ids. Filters the feed so that only changes to the specified documents are sent.
  • filter (str) – Name of filter function from a design document to get updates. Default is no filter.
  • heartbeat (int) – Time in milliseconds after which an empty line is sent if there have been no changes. Must be a positive number. Default is no heartbeat.
  • include_docs (bool) – Include the document with the result. The document will not be returned as a Document but instead will be returned as either formated JSON or as raw response content. Default is False.
  • since – Start the results from changes after the specified sequence identifier. In other words, using since excludes from the list all changes up to and including the specified sequence identifier. If since is 0 (the default), or omitted, the request returns all changes. If it is now, only changes made after the time of the request will be emitted.
  • style (str) – Specifies how many revisions are returned in the changes array. The default, main_only, only returns the current “winning” revision; all_docs returns all leaf revisions, including conflicts and deleted former conflicts.
  • timeout (int) – Number of milliseconds to wait for data before terminating the response. heartbeat supersedes timeout if both are supplied.
  • chunk_size (int) – The HTTP response stream chunk size. Defaults to 512.

Feed object that can be iterated over as a _changes feed.


Retrieves the list of document ids in the database. Default is to return only the locally cached document ids, specify remote=True to make a remote request to include all document ids from the remote database instance.

Parameters:remote (bool) – Dictates whether the list of locally cached document ids are returned or a remote request is made to include an up to date list of document ids from the server. Defaults to False.
Returns:List of document ids

Retrieves a list of design document names in this database. Performs a remote call to retrieve the content.

Returns:List of names for all design documents in this database

Retrieves the remote database metadata dictionary.

Returns:Dictionary containing database metadata details
missing_revisions(doc_id, *revisions)

Returns a list of document revision values that do not exist in the current remote database for the specified document id and specified list of revision values.

  • doc_id (str) – Document id to check for missing revisions against.
  • revisions (list) – List of document revisions values to check against.

List of missing document revision values


Creates a new, empty document in the remote and locally cached database, auto-generating the _id.

Returns:Document instance corresponding to the new document in the database

Retrieves the metadata dictionary for the remote database partition.

Parameters:partition_key (str) – Partition key.
Returns:Metadata dictionary for the database partition.
Return type:dict
partitioned_all_docs(partition_key, **kwargs)

Wraps the _all_docs primary index on the database partition, and returns the results by value.

See all_docs() method for further details.

  • partition_key (str) – Partition key.
  • kwargs – See all_docs() method for available keyword arguments.

Raw JSON response content from _all_docs endpoint.

Return type:



Returns the r_session from the client instance used by the database.

Returns:Client r_session
revisions_diff(doc_id, *revisions)

Returns the differences in the current remote database for the specified document id and specified list of revision values.

  • doc_id (str) – Document id to check for revision differences against.
  • revisions (list) – List of document revisions values to check against.

The revision differences in JSON format


Sets the limit of historical revisions to store for any single document in the current remote database.

Parameters:limit (int) – Number of revisions to store for any single document in the current remote database.
Returns:Revision limit set operation status in JSON format
update_handler_result(ddoc_id, handler_name, doc_id=None, data=None, **params)

Creates or updates a document from the specified database based on the update handler function provided. Update handlers are used, for example, to provide server-side modification timestamps, and document updates to individual fields without the latest revision. You can provide query parameters needed by the update handler function using the params argument.

Create a document with a generated ID:

# Assuming that 'update001' update handler exists as part of the
# 'ddoc001' design document in the remote database...
# Execute 'update001' to create a new document
resp = db.update_handler_result('ddoc001', 'update001', data={'name': 'John',
                                'message': 'hello'})

Create or update a document with the specified ID:

# Assuming that 'update001' update handler exists as part of the
# 'ddoc001' design document in the remote database...
# Execute 'update001' to update document 'doc001' in the database
resp = db.update_handler_result('ddoc001', 'update001', 'doc001',
                                data={'month': 'July'})

For more details, see the update handlers documentation.

  • ddoc_id (str) – Design document id used to get result.
  • handler_name (str) – Name used in part to identify the update handler function.
  • doc_id (str) – Optional document id used to specify the document to be handled.

Result of update handler function in text format


Removes view files that are not used by any design document in the remote database.

Returns:View cleanup status in JSON format